Decision Making under Uncertainty

The ESRA Technical Committee “Decision Making under Uncertainty” aims at bringing together specialists from industry and researchers worldwide who are contributing to improving the process of decision making under uncertainty with a focus on – but not limited to – reliability, safety and security. To get the activities of the Technical Committee started, we are organizing a Kick-off event at this year’s ICSRS conference in Venice.

Dealing with uncertainties in decision making is a challenge vividly illustrated by latest developments. Measures against the global corona pandemic had a lasting negative effect on entire economic sectors. The European energy supply is currently being put to the test not only by the sudden shortage of gas and oil but also by very different concepts and perspectives in individual member states, leading to inconsistently developed plans to contain the energy crisis and slow down global warming. Balancing risks in presence of deep uncertainty is one of the core issues to be addressed by industry experts and researchers from around the world, who are interested to join and contribute to our future activities.

We would like to find answers to questions like (to name a few):

• How can we deal with uncertainties in decision making?

• When can rational decisions be made based on previous analyses - and when not?

• How do we balance risks and uncertainties under contradicting requirements?

TC Chairs: 

Kai-Dietrich Wolf:

Enrico Zio: