If your organisation would like to be a member of ESRA, please contact the General Secretary of ESRA, Myrto Konstantinidou ;


 ESRA Membership Fee for 2016: 

Academic members:   €115

Professional organisations:  € 345

Commercial members:  € 575

Please transfer the requested amount to account no. 310-0932113-29 of: ESRA – European Safety and Reliability Association ING EUROPEAN BRANCH Agence Bruxelles –

Europeénne Rond-Point Schuman 5

B-1040 Bruxelles Belgium. 


From European Union member states the use of the IBAN/SWIFT codes will make transfers cheaper.

The codes for our bank are: IBAN BE26 3100 9321 1329, SWIFT BBRUBEBB.


Address for ESRA:

39 Rue des Deux Eglises,

B-1000 Brussels, BELGIUM.