ESRA Technical Committees

The ESRA Technical Committees aim at bringing together specialists, mainly from the ESRA member institutions that are interested on the subject area.

The committee members cooperate in discussing the main challenges in the subject area, striving to promote the advance of knowledge in this specific field.

The results of their activity will be primarily reported at the annual ESREL Conferences, and the Committee takes the responsibility of organising the part of the technical program of the Conference that deals with this subject area. To this effect each year the Committee will identify some of its members that will be part of the Technical Programme Committee of the ESREL Conference.

The members of the Technical Committee will also consider contributing regularly to the ESRA website and Newsletter. 

In addition, the Committee will undertake different types of activities such as promoting specialised workshops, benchmark studies, state of the art reviews of any other similar activity that the members feel appropriate.

The Technical Committees are encouraged to produce publications of different type and the ESRA Standing Committee on Publications will create conditions for the existence of an ESRA series of publications of adequate quality.

Each ESRA member is entitled to nominate one of his employees for member of any Technical Committee. The other members of the Committee become so by invitation of the respective Committee Chairman.

Any person interested in participating in an ESRA Technical Committee should contact the respective Chairman.


Summary of Chair responsibilities: 


1.      Support the ESREL conference by leading the paper reviewing process for topics of the TC

2.      Organize at least one special session or roundtable in a topic relevant for the TC every second year at the ESREL conference

3.      Organize at least one specific seminar/webinar/etc in a topic relevant for the TC every second year

4.      Provide at least one article to the ESRA website per year

5.      Ensure updated website for TC

6.      Together with the ESRA administration keep track of members of the TC

7.      Communicate with the ESRA Chairmen on relevant issues



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