Maintenance Modeling and Applications 

Managing an industrial plant entails evaluating and trading off the conflicting objectives of economic service and safe operation. In this context, maintenance plays a significant role: knowing when and how to inspect, repair and renovate the components of a system is fundamental to reduce failures, for safety reasons, and unplanned downtime, for economic reasons, and thus to the optimal safety and economical system operation.

The purpose of this technical committee is to provide a forum for discussion and experience-sharing with regards to the modeling and optimization of maintenance procedures and strategies for ageing and deteriorating engineering components, systems and structures. Maintenance issues in all their diversity and their complementarity are considered in this TC (maintenance policies modeling, maintenance technologies, maintenance engineering and maintenance management & services) both from the theoretical/methodological and practical points of view, in various industrial fields so as to consider the differences in practical needs and challenges, limitations and difficulties when applying the different approaches to the specific situations.

The activities of the Committee, such as the organization of workshops, technical sessions and roundtables at ESREL Conferences, will be decided jointly by the participants in the Committee.

All ESRA members are welcome to indicate a representative for this Committee




Christophe Bérenguer,





Short report on the ESRA Maintenance TC Panel Session held in ESREL 2018, Trondheim 


See the report here


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