Mathematical Methods in Reliability and Safety
Reliability and safety analyses are important applications of stochastic mathematics (probability, statistics and stochastic processes). These disciplines create a wide range of problems, which along with their practical importance, can contain interesting and fruitful mathematical settings.
From the very beginning, reliability theory employed modern probabilistic methods, but at the same time it gave rise to development of these methods as well. Relevant examples are the developments in the renewal theory, in Markovian methods, Petri net analysis and in statistical methods for accelerated life testing, to name a few, and having as target both the reliability prediction of components, but also the RAMS assessment at the system level.
At every ESREL conference there are usually many papers, which apart from practical solutions, contain certain useful mathematical methodology. These papers ae organised into a relevant stream.
The purpose of this technical committee is to promote initiatives of mathematically sound applied research in the field of reliability and safety, to disseminate applications and methods and to provide a forum for discussion and experience-sharing with regards to system reliability and safety.
The possible activities of the Committee includes the organization of workshops, technical sessions and roundtables at ESREL Conference. Committee members also usually participate and take part in organization of the be-annual International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Reliability (MMR) and the IMA International Conference on Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability (MIMAR).
John Andrews,
Nicolae Brinzei,