Chemical and Process Industry
The objective of this Technical Committee is to promote and facilitate research and development in the assessment of Safety in the Chemical Industry.
Emphasis will be given in the development of new methodologies for assessing, estimating and expressing safety in the Chemical Industry. Quantified Risk Assessment will be the corner stone of such assessments. Efforts will be made to integrate under a QRA framework all aspects important to safety including hardware, software, human performance, and safety management systems and thus to provide a decision supporting platform for risk and safety management aiming at reducing the frequency of accidents and mitigating their consequences while maximizing installation availability and minimizing costs.
Applications of new and existing methods in all sectors of Chemical Industry will be promoted in view of the requirements of the SEVESO directive. Specific topics like Domino effects, Land Use Planning considerations, Emergency response and Safety management systems (potentially examined in greater detail in other Technical Committees) will be integrated in a common QRA platform.
Valerio Cozzani,
Gabriele Landucci and Nima Khakzad;